Help me
Jag är lite trött på att vandra livet igenom ensam. Tur då att jag har musiken. Just nu så är det tur att jag har Cash.
Mina piller
Came tro today
Det enda McCartney gjort som är bra förutom Helter Skelter
Cigaretter och alkohol. Finns det mer?
The importance of being idle
En favorit i repris. Igen. MEn jag känner igen mig i den låten så bra. Den känns som något jag skulle vilja skriva själv.
Go Ronnie
Ronnie Wood har under sommaren uppmärksammats för sin kärleksaffär med den ryska servitrisen Ekaterina Ivanova.
Jag säger bara go Ronnie. En riktig rockstjärna har en ung, vacker tös vid sin sida. Ingen gammal tant. Så enkelt är det.
Jag säger bara go Ronnie. En riktig rockstjärna har en ung, vacker tös vid sin sida. Ingen gammal tant. Så enkelt är det.
God´s gonna cut You down
Riff raff
I've never shot nobody
Don't even carry a gun
I ain't done nothing wrong
I'm just having fun
Don't even carry a gun
I ain't done nothing wrong
I'm just having fun
Så är det liksom
Well, ask me why I'm drunk alla time
It levels my head and eases my mind
I just walk along and stroll and sing
I see better days and I do better things
It levels my head and eases my mind
I just walk along and stroll and sing
I see better days and I do better things
Greasy kid stuff
Well, I took me a woman late last night
I's three-fourths drunk she looked all right
'Til she started peelin' off her onion gook
She took off her wig, said, "How do I look" ?
I's high flyin', bare naked ...Out the window.
Well, sometimes I might get drunk
Walk like a duck and smell like a skunk
Don't hurt me none, don't hurt my pride
'Cause I got my little lady right by my side
(She's a tryin' a hide pretendin'
She don't know me).
I's out there paintin' on the old wood shed
When a can a black paint it fell on my head
I went down to scrub and rub
But I had to sit in back of the tub
(Cost a quarter
Half price).
Well, my telephone rang it would not stop
It's President Kennedy callin' me up
He said, "My friend, Bob, what do we need to make the country grow" ?
I said, "My friend, John, "Brigitte Bardot,
Anita Ekberg
Sophia Loren"
Country'll grow.
Well, I got a woman five feet short
She yells and hollers and squeals and snorts
She tickles my nose pats me on the head
Blows me over and kicks me out of bed
(She's a man eater
Meat grinder
Bad looser).
Oh, there ain't no use in me workin' alla time
I got a woman who works herself blind
Works up to her britches, up to her neck
Write me letters and sends me checks
(She's a humdinger
Folk singer).
Late one day in the middle of the week
Eyes were closed I was half asleep
I chased me a woman up the hill
Right in the middle of an air drill
(I jumped a fallout shelter
I jumped the string bean
I jumped the TV dinner
I jumped the shot gun).
Now, the man on the stand he wants my vote
He's a-runnin' for office on the ballot note
He's out there preachin' in front of the steeple
Tellin' me he loves all kinds-a people
(He's eatin' bagels
He's eatin' pizza
He's eatin' chitlins).
Oh, set me down on a television floor
I'll flip the channel to number four
Out of the shower comes a football man
With a bottle of oil in his hand
(Greasy kid stuff
What I want to know, Mr. Football Man, is
What do you do about Willy Mays
Martin Luther King
Well, the funniest woman I ever seen
Was the great-granddaughter of Mr. Clean
She takes about fifteen baths a day
Wants me to grow a moustache on my face
(She's insane).
Well, ask me why I'm drunk alla time
It levels my head and eases my mind
I just walk along and stroll and sing
I see better days and I do better things
(I catch dinosaurs
I make love to Elizabeth Taylor ...
Catch hell from Richard Burton !).I's three-fourths drunk she looked all right
'Til she started peelin' off her onion gook
She took off her wig, said, "How do I look" ?
I's high flyin', bare naked ...Out the window.
Well, sometimes I might get drunk
Walk like a duck and smell like a skunk
Don't hurt me none, don't hurt my pride
'Cause I got my little lady right by my side
(She's a tryin' a hide pretendin'
She don't know me).
I's out there paintin' on the old wood shed
When a can a black paint it fell on my head
I went down to scrub and rub
But I had to sit in back of the tub
(Cost a quarter
Half price).
Well, my telephone rang it would not stop
It's President Kennedy callin' me up
He said, "My friend, Bob, what do we need to make the country grow" ?
I said, "My friend, John, "Brigitte Bardot,
Anita Ekberg
Sophia Loren"
Country'll grow.
Well, I got a woman five feet short
She yells and hollers and squeals and snorts
She tickles my nose pats me on the head
Blows me over and kicks me out of bed
(She's a man eater
Meat grinder
Bad looser).
Oh, there ain't no use in me workin' alla time
I got a woman who works herself blind
Works up to her britches, up to her neck
Write me letters and sends me checks
(She's a humdinger
Folk singer).
Late one day in the middle of the week
Eyes were closed I was half asleep
I chased me a woman up the hill
Right in the middle of an air drill
(I jumped a fallout shelter
I jumped the string bean
I jumped the TV dinner
I jumped the shot gun).
Now, the man on the stand he wants my vote
He's a-runnin' for office on the ballot note
He's out there preachin' in front of the steeple
Tellin' me he loves all kinds-a people
(He's eatin' bagels
He's eatin' pizza
He's eatin' chitlins).
Oh, set me down on a television floor
I'll flip the channel to number four
Out of the shower comes a football man
With a bottle of oil in his hand
(Greasy kid stuff
What I want to know, Mr. Football Man, is
What do you do about Willy Mays
Martin Luther King
Well, the funniest woman I ever seen
Was the great-granddaughter of Mr. Clean
She takes about fifteen baths a day
Wants me to grow a moustache on my face
(She's insane).
Well, ask me why I'm drunk alla time
It levels my head and eases my mind
I just walk along and stroll and sing
I see better days and I do better things
(I catch dinosaurs
I make love to Elizabeth Taylor ...
Masters of war
Ok, Jag är inte helt stabil. Alls. Som jag redan berättat, för den intresserade läsaren, så har jag inte tagit mina mediciner på några dagar och då blir jag som en liten kort stubin på en jättelik dymanitgubbe. Så nu sitter jag och lyssnar till Bob Dylans "Masters of war" gång på gång och gråter som ett litet barn som tappat glassen i gatan. Livet är så fantasktiskt att man kan få vara sån ibland. Att gråta är bra tror jag. Jag gråter ofta fast jag håller med att nu är det lite överdrivet efter en timma till samma låt på repeat gång på gång. Men världen är så stor och jag är så liten.
Eller nått.
Eller nått.
Mer Chucken
Ring ring goes the bell. Chucken hade rätt, har rätt. Världen behöver mer Chuck Berry. Så det så.
Min sång
See him wasted on the sidewalk in his jacket and his jeans,
Wearin' yesterday's misfortunes like a smile
Once he had a future full of money, love, and dreams,
Which he spent like they was goin' outa style
And he keeps right on a'changin' for the better or the worse,
Searchin' for a shrine he's never found
Never knowin' if believin' is a blessin' or a curse,
Or if the goin' up was worth the comin' down
He's a poet, he's a picker
He's a prophet, he's a pusher
He's a pilgrim and a preacher, and a problem when he's stoned
He's a walkin' contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction,
Takin' ev'ry wrong direction on his lonely way back home.
He has tasted good and evil in your bedrooms and your bars,
And he's traded in tomorrow for today
Runnin' from his devils, Lord, and reachin' for the stars,
And losin' all he's loved along the way
But if this world keeps right on turnin' for the better or the worse,
And all he ever gets is older and around
From the rockin' of the cradle to the rollin' of the hearse,
The goin' up was worth the comin' down
He's a poet, he's a picker
He's a prophet, he's a pusher
He's a pilgrim and a preacher, and a problem when he's stoned
He's a walkin' contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction,
Takin' ev'ry wrong direction on his lonely way back home.
There's a lotta wrong directions on that lonely way back home.
Wearin' yesterday's misfortunes like a smile
Once he had a future full of money, love, and dreams,
Which he spent like they was goin' outa style
And he keeps right on a'changin' for the better or the worse,
Searchin' for a shrine he's never found
Never knowin' if believin' is a blessin' or a curse,
Or if the goin' up was worth the comin' down
He's a poet, he's a picker
He's a prophet, he's a pusher
He's a pilgrim and a preacher, and a problem when he's stoned
He's a walkin' contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction,
Takin' ev'ry wrong direction on his lonely way back home.
He has tasted good and evil in your bedrooms and your bars,
And he's traded in tomorrow for today
Runnin' from his devils, Lord, and reachin' for the stars,
And losin' all he's loved along the way
But if this world keeps right on turnin' for the better or the worse,
And all he ever gets is older and around
From the rockin' of the cradle to the rollin' of the hearse,
The goin' up was worth the comin' down
He's a poet, he's a picker
He's a prophet, he's a pusher
He's a pilgrim and a preacher, and a problem when he's stoned
He's a walkin' contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction,
Takin' ev'ry wrong direction on his lonely way back home.
There's a lotta wrong directions on that lonely way back home.
Inte går jag att stoppa inte
Can´t hold me back. Så är det ju.
Cigg och alkohol
Idag gäller det. Cigaretter och alkohol. I min ensamhet så dricker jag billiga starköl och röker dyra cigaretter.
Så sorgligt
Som den otrogne läsaren borde veta vid detta laget så är jag stort Elvis fan. Nä, inte den där bleksiktige Costello utan den blodfulla ELVIS Presley. Sedan 1977 har jag förljt hans äventyr även om han dog det året. Det var min mamma som pratade om den store Elvis, köpte ett gäng kassettband som hon aldrig hörde på och som jag lade beslag på. Min första skiva jag köpte till min nya stereogrammofon var "Elvis Country" sedan dess har jag varit fast.
Men det är inte bara musiken som faschinerar mig. Utan livsödet. Från en Shotgunschack (ett hus så litet att du kan skjuta en hagelsvärm från framdörren till bakdörren utan att träffa väggarna) till Gracelands toalett, döende på golvet framför toalettstolen, så svart i ansiktet av dödskampen att ambulanspersonalen trodde att du var en svart man, med avbiten tunga. Full av droger, proppfull. Så... sorgligt.
Så en dag häromveckan satt jag och gottade mig åt det sorgliga. Jag såg på bilder av toaletten (jo det finns sådana) bilden av Elvis i kistan (jo det finns en sådan) och alla fruktanst löjliga konspriationsteorier om att Elvis skulle leva. Tja, till att börja med skulle han varit 73 år. Men det klart, kan Jerry Lee så kan kanske Elvis. Men Elvis är död och har varit så sedan 16/8-1977. Men det var gott att frossa i. Konstig nog. Vet inte alls vad det är som får mig att gilla det hela. Kanske är det så att hans öde var större än mannen själv.
Men det är inte bara musiken som faschinerar mig. Utan livsödet. Från en Shotgunschack (ett hus så litet att du kan skjuta en hagelsvärm från framdörren till bakdörren utan att träffa väggarna) till Gracelands toalett, döende på golvet framför toalettstolen, så svart i ansiktet av dödskampen att ambulanspersonalen trodde att du var en svart man, med avbiten tunga. Full av droger, proppfull. Så... sorgligt.
Så en dag häromveckan satt jag och gottade mig åt det sorgliga. Jag såg på bilder av toaletten (jo det finns sådana) bilden av Elvis i kistan (jo det finns en sådan) och alla fruktanst löjliga konspriationsteorier om att Elvis skulle leva. Tja, till att börja med skulle han varit 73 år. Men det klart, kan Jerry Lee så kan kanske Elvis. Men Elvis är död och har varit så sedan 16/8-1977. Men det var gott att frossa i. Konstig nog. Vet inte alls vad det är som får mig att gilla det hela. Kanske är det så att hans öde var större än mannen själv.
Brinn mitt ljus
Så har jag snurrat in mig på Jerry Lee Lewis senaste skiva. En massa duetter med folk som Mick Jagger (grattis i efterskott till 65-års dagen), Springsteen, Keith Richard och hur nu Kid Rock har smugglat in sig i skivstudion. Så bra. Det finns hopp för oss självförbrinnande människor. Kan Jerry Lee kan jag liksom.
Så bra så bra.
Så bra så bra.
J.L.Lewis Dont put no headstone by my grave
Våran miss
Orkar inte mer.... eller orkar allt. Älskar vissa av er, hatar en del av er. Älskar Miss Bordeline. Lisa, Anna karin (lite mer), Hjulia (speciellt mycket), en del mer en del mindre. Missar säker en massa nu. Men vad fan. Hör av er så lovar jag att besudla ert namn med mig. Fast får jag erkänna så håller jag Miss Bordelide högst helt enkelt för jag följt henne längst. ÄLSKAR missen vare sig hon vill det eller inte.
I'm so happy. Cause today I found my friends.
They're in my head. I'm so ugly. But that's ok.
'Cause so are you. We've broke our mirrors.
Sunday morning. Is everyday for all I care.
And I'm not scared. Light my candles. In a daze cause I've found god.
Yeah yeah yeah yeah.....
I'm so lonely. And that's ok. (alt: 'cause today )
I shaved my head. And I'm not sad, and just maybe
I'm to blame for all I've heard. And I'm not sure.
I'm so excited. I can't wait to meet you there.
And I don't care. I'm so horny. But that's ok. My will is good.
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah.....
I like it. I'm not gonna crack.
I miss you. I'm not gonna crack.
I love you.I'm not gonna crack.
I kill you. I'm not gonna crack. (x2)
I'm so happy. Cause today I found my friends.
They're in my head. I'm so ugly. But that's ok.
'Cause so are you. We've broke our mirrors.
Sunday morning. Is everyday for all I care.
And I'm not scared. Light my candles.
In a daze cause I've found god.
Yeah yeah yeah yeah.....
They're in my head. I'm so ugly. But that's ok.
'Cause so are you. We've broke our mirrors.
Sunday morning. Is everyday for all I care.
And I'm not scared. Light my candles. In a daze cause I've found god.
Yeah yeah yeah yeah.....
I'm so lonely. And that's ok. (alt: 'cause today )
I shaved my head. And I'm not sad, and just maybe
I'm to blame for all I've heard. And I'm not sure.
I'm so excited. I can't wait to meet you there.
And I don't care. I'm so horny. But that's ok. My will is good.
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah.....
I like it. I'm not gonna crack.
I miss you. I'm not gonna crack.
I love you.I'm not gonna crack.
I kill you. I'm not gonna crack. (x2)
I'm so happy. Cause today I found my friends.
They're in my head. I'm so ugly. But that's ok.
'Cause so are you. We've broke our mirrors.
Sunday morning. Is everyday for all I care.
And I'm not scared. Light my candles.
In a daze cause I've found god.
Yeah yeah yeah yeah.....